Saturday, December 17, 2011

Always Miss You

There are three things I believe to be true, Missing someone is very painful, not knowing if you are missed is excruciating, and knowing you are missed, is one of the most painful and beautiful feelings I can think of.
In my life, I have personally dealt with a lot of goodbyes; I've learned that I will always miss someone. I won’t always be in the same place with the same people; it is always going to feel like someone is missing.
But I can't be bitter about this, I can't sit around moping.
Reminding the people I am with about how much greater it would be if so-and-so was here is fine, but not if I let that take place of enjoying the people I have been given. How do you think the friends you are with would feel? I know that for me it makes me feel unimportant, like the fact that I even exist means so little.

Sometimes you have friendships where you really don't know if you are missed, and that kills. Its obsessive, you long to be missed, to know that the person cares about you as much as you care for them. You start to feel unloved, almost rejected. But you've got to remember that there is someone who loves you more than anyone ever could he cares for you, unconditionally. You need to stop obsessing over that one person and focus on the one who loves you no matter what. That doesn't mean give up on this person, it just means don't obsess.

God loves you, and so does your family, as the years go by people change, life moves on. Some friends will be there for years, other friends, not so. You can both change alongside each other, or the changes will separate you. But for the most part you can count on your family being there. And God, well, he'll be there no matter what.


  1. I'm so, SO happy you're blogging, Madi. :-) I shall look forward to your thoughts and ponderings and hopefully photos too. :-) I have also said many, many good-byes. They used to crush me. The thought of no longer mattering to people also gutted me. But it's getting easier to bear. To treasure what I have and who I have IN THIS MOMENT. Just because it no longer IS, doesn't mean it WASN'T. :-) We will always have our good memories, and that is a comfort. I'm so glad I met you. :-)

  2. Family and true friends are like diamonds: odds are (sadly) that you won't possess many in your lifetime. But those few that you do, you hold onto zealously...

  3. Yay! I am glad you like it :)
    Those are great points Krista!
    I am so glad I met you too :) You are wonderful Krista!


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