So where was I.... ah yes, India had just died, and we were in America. So yet again it came time for us to move back to Russia (MK life is exciting huh, all this moving around) we needed to find a new house, so we lived on the streets for 2 months.
Yeah, Im just kidding, nott funny? Okkk...erm anyhoo, our friends the Brobergs let us stay in their house since they were still going to be in America for another 2 months. Which was totally awesome, it would have been such a hassle to try and rent an apartment for 7 people O.o.
The Brobergs have this amazing dog named Jack, like Jack Sparrow, Jack the Pumpkin King, Jack and Jill ran up the hill- you get the picture. While they were in the States (yes I very often call it The States instead of America, hey your talking to a person who thought Maine was next to that glove state. Don’t judge me) they left Jack at their house, yeah he babysat himself for 5 months, he's cool like that. Yes they did have someone come and feed him you silly goose. He's an outside dog, so he has total and utter free range. They have a huge yard, but enough is never enough right? He gets out ALL the time. And while we were there it was to hang with his lady friends.
thats Jack, Haillie Broberg, and my little sister Aubrie
So I'm (that’s me Madi) just sitting here, minding my own business, doing school and all, OK FINE, you caught me, I was secretly reading Inkheart, (you know the old hide your fun book inside of your boring science book) what can I say, I was hooked, that series was awesome! So I'm reading when all of a sudden I see a brown fuzzy thing slide across the floor out of the corner of my eye.
Heart attack, and of course think OH MY WORD ITS GWEN. I READ HER OUT OF THE BOOOK!!!!!! (Ferret like character in inkheart, a book about a girl reading things out of books yaddayadda)
It was a little brown splotchy puppy, eyes only just opened, I have got to say cutest thing ever, and it just fell out of the sky, I mean literally, how the stink did it get in my room? (Or rather Haillie Broberg’s) Dad walks in laughing, and saying, “There's more where that came from!” Me and my sisters rush outside trailing behind him like, well, puppies! (oH man AM I CHEESY!) Inside of the drainage pipes that runs under the dirt road, were 4 puppies all curled up, you know that awkward dog pile puppies do? you know what I'm saying.....anybody?
that little fuzz ball.
Turns out these 5 puppies were Jacks, way to go buddy.( we later found out there was one more way back in the pipe, but he had died) The mom, was, I am not even kidding, a three legged dog. She was missing one leg, and part of the other. And she was now going to have to deal with 5 puppies, talk about a stay at home mom.
I have more pictures of all of them on a hard drive in Russia.
So we took care of those puppies every day, it was pretty fun. We had boxes and boxes of milk that was going bad that we could feed them, so that was no prob. Me and Tasha Wilson even built a fort for them, that if we laid down we could both fit in as well, it was pretty sweet, until it rained….and the fort fell apart, us being forced to run back through the rain hauling 5 puppies.
And we named them all! The one (they are all mutts so they ALL looked different) that looked like a German Shepard; we named her Lucy, like Narnia, or Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. The yellow one, (or should I say blonde????) we named Lemony Snicket, like the Author. (I was a little obsessed at the time). The grey and white one, he looked kind of like a husky, we named Wolverine, Duhhherrr. The Reeses colored one with a stub of a tail, who looked like a bull dog...hahaha she really did, we named her Indiana Jones. BOOYA. Dude these dogs had amazing names, well, all but the last one, the last one was a bit of a calico. And adorably fluffy, so we named him, no one would go for that ( I KNOW, it would have been awesome) it was taking some time to decide his name, and we'd basically decided on Chewy, short for Chewbacca, when the Brobergs came back. We all lived in there house like one big happy family for another week or so, yes, that would be 9 kids, can you spell hectic? Me either....
Lemony Snicket
Soon after came Jimmy. Jimmy started a lot of things. Like refusing to let me, Haillie and Noah Broberg cook our pizza on the road when the power was out. So we resorted to licking all the slices because we thought he was being unfair. HAhahaha, yes I laugh, THAT DOES not mean I am proud of what I have done (hehehheh :D) Another thing he started, was calling the dog Duncan khachapuri (Hot chee pori) Khachapuri, is a Russian cheese bread. Haha, that’s not random at all. So in his maniacal ways, he got every child under the age of 10 (that would be all but 3 of us) to chant Duncan KhachepurriiiiiIIIII!!! In a sing song voice kind of like "NacchhoooOOOOOOOO" From Nacho Libre. It was even more obnoxious then getting told that we don't know how to build an A frame and aren't a loud to use our creative means of heating pizza -___-
So the dogs were named, and we were all one big happy family.
What do you mean I said it was a sob story?
Well, fine if you want it to be one, I'll finish the story.
(I gotta wrap this up its getting long O.o)
It came time to give the puppies away before they were grown up and really looked like mutts. Indiana Jones (my fav. girl) and Lucy, went to an American couple in Nalchik. Lemony Snicket went to our friends the Behimers they have 4 kids, so that was perfect. Wolverine, was hard to give away, he was the one I wanted to keep, but rest of the family liked Mr. KhachepurriiiiiII. We gave him to some Russian guy.
We kept Duncan, and officially named him Chewy, the Behimers couldn’t take Lemony yet so we watched him too. And, we got a new house! Everything was going great, it was a perfect sized house that we managed to live in for 3 years (I believe that’s a record) the first year there were workers living in the back house, and junk ALL over the yard, it was a total mess, they even dug a huge hole in the middle of the front yard, why? So that they could BURY all the garbage, gee that made gardening an adventure -_-
Chewy at our new house.
lemony at the new house
Dad even found me this great blue bookshelf out near a dumpster! (um helloooo, that’s cool) Unfortunately, that is what led to the sob story. Chewy had been missing for a while, so we’d asked the workers to tell us if they saw him, they told me and mom that they’d found him. When we came outside the bookshelf had fallen over, and Duncan was trapped underneath. But it was too late, his arm had been trapped in his mouth and he couldn’t breathe. Story goes that Lemony had jumped on top of one of the many pieces of the workers equipment sitting near the bookshelf, climbed up on that, and toppled it onto Chewy. I was glad my sisters hadn’t come outside with me and mom. It was kind of a sad sight. We wrapped him up in a box, and mom took him away. Took the girls awhile to get over him.
Hey, you asked for the sob story.
Who's Jimmy? ~h
ReplyDeleteI donno, who is Jimmy? :D