Saturday, March 17, 2012

365-The Weeks summary

The WEEKS Summary

Yesterday was one busy day for me, starting out with the care and taking of four kids, two crazy dogs and two rats, oh and let’s not forget that the power was out. Our friends the Fishers are currently in Turkey so they are letting us stay in their house. Did I mention we are homeless? No? My bad, well we are homeless. The whole apartment deal seems to have fallen through, the landlord doesn’t want 7 people staying in it apparently (that’s a first). But God’s been good to us, we’ve been here a week and haven’t had to live in a manhole or anything. The Wilsons have so graciously allowed us to invade their home, even letting Ivan hang out inside (I think they were starting to get attached to him).  
We got a chance to go to Coffee House again for the first time in 6 months! Coffee House is one of our outreaches here, once a month we deck out the church basement, find a band, and set up tables and tables, of coffee and sweets. Students Christian, and non Christian, pile in to hang out with friends, drink free coffee, and listen to the amazing local bands. We were surprisingly shocked to see roughly 120 people at Coffee Night this past Saturday. We are so thankful to see it growing in our absence! English movie night is still going on, and some of the students have even started a weekly dance class at the University! Things are really taking off here in Kdar.

I went for a walk the other day and I have to say, there was something oddly comforting in seeing strays every two houses and the terrible smells coming from all the dumpsters, it was like one of those ‘Hey! You’re back in Russia!’ wake up calls.

Oh and yeah, I was messing with my watermark, so that's why it's on all the photos...I had not intended it to be there, but it's too much work to fix it. SO deal with it. 

The weather was so strange yesterday, half the sky was sunny while the other one was throwing around snow flurries like it was January!
We used to climb over and under those fences. We would play on the foundations being built there, now they've really started to pick up on the building so we can't explore in there anymore.
Once I went in there with the Fisher boys and the ENTIRE field was frozen in ice! It was just about the coolest thing EVER.

70. That Chapter Has Closed


The neighborhood playground, this is about as good as it gets....        
It's so great to be wearing rainboots again :D A lot of people have chickens when the own a house here. I've always wanted to take one of those old spools and turn it into a table :)

 This fridge is an example of one of the many pieces of junk you'll find laying round outside of everyone's gates. One man’s junk another man’s treasure. I love collecting the odds and ends :)
71. Abandoned and Empty

I just watched Grey, sooo I'm kind of carrying a pocket knife with me, everywhere I GO. No dog can be TRUSTED. 

72. In those eyes, stories of fear can be told.

73. Watchful 

 74. Krasnodar

Just your usual crazy Kdar weather!Yes this is the same day as the sunny pictures featured above.

 Two random strays I saw. One of these days I will take a walk and snap pictures of every stray I see, I bet you I will get way above 25. How many strays do you usually see in your neighborhood? Strays are one thing I rarely see in The States. 

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