Friday, April 13, 2012

Short Story Friday- What I Found by the Creek by Isaac Anderson

So, last week I didn't post a Short Story Friday, so maybe I will post two today? Hmm? That sound good? I'll think about it....don't get your hopes up.

today's story...

What I Found by the Creek
by Isaac Anderson

Who's Isaac?
Isaac is my cousin, Isaac writes, directs, and makes pretty awesome videos. Being his cousin,  his videos make me and my family literally "LoL" (OH I hate that abbreviation so much, don't even get me started)  I think you would also find them funny. He hasn't made any in quite awhile but here is a link to an old one I like (Santa Rat Christmas Tips "How to pass the time") ok here are two more links, ( Seeing Doubles)
( Inception) There are some really funny ones with Cat-Bat (my cousin Jordan) in them, but those were on the ZooFries website, and that website appears to be down, boohoo...

What I Found by the Creek 

by Isaac Anderson

One day as I was out by the creek fishing for tadpoles with a rod I had fastened with a twig and some string. When I spied a streak of green shooting through the cool blue water. I looked and to my eight year old wonder I saw a garter snake thrashing through the stream.
 I stretched my fishing rod out to the struggling critter so it could climb to safety. When it was happily perched upon my rod (and looking quite smug I might add) I grabbed it between my thumb and forefinger and held it before me proudly.
 The snake's head came up and rested on my wrist. Staring at me with those snake eyes. We had a staring contest to see who would blink first (I later found out that snakes don't have eyelids so the contest wasn't even fair to begin with).
 Aways off I saw a friend of mine (Billy) jumping from rock to rock making his way up the stream. The fact that he was soaking wet told me he wasn't doing a very good job. I quickly resumed studying my snake and smiling triumphantly. My friend (Billy) approached.
"Hi Sam!" he said nearly falling into the water.
With out taking my eyes off the snake I replied. "hello."
"where did you get that snake?" he asked, his word dripping with envy (or pond water, I didn't take that close a look).
"found it in the crick."
"you gon'a keep it?"
"Well, of course I am! Not every day you find a perfectly good snake!
"It sure is neat, Sam."
"Help me find some bugs to feed'm with!"
"Naw, I better go dry off for dinner." he said jumping to another rock. "see you tomorrow."
 I said by and set off for home with my new snake in my pocket.

 When I walked through the back door into the kitchen, my mom was jumping back and forth whisking sauces, stirring beans, flipping through a cook book and repeating as she made dinner.
 My dad sat at the the table reading the newspaper while trying to explain why the sky is blue to my little sister, Amy. Only to be stopped every sentence with questions like, "whats a molecule?"
 And my older sister, Shelby was in the corner reading some book. Mouthing some of the words as she did.

I stood in the middle of the room grinning with success. "I have an announcement to  make." I proclaimed.
 Father and mother stopped what they were doing and looked my way. "Did you strike oil?" asked dad. "Or catch a fish?" asked mom.
"I found a new pet."
"Oh dear." mother groaned. "It better not be a squirrel."
"Nope. Even better!" I said, much to the displeasure of my mother.
 I reached into my pocket to retreve my pet but only pulled out a marble, some gum, and a rock that looked like Kevin Spacey when under the right lighting.
"It must have gotten out." I said.
"What got out?" mom asked, starting to look pale.
"My snake."
"Snake?" my sister, Shelby asked looking up from her book.
"You brought a snake in the house?" mother said, almost screaming.
"Yeah! It was the neatest thing you ever saw! It was about a foot long and-
 Mother grabbed little Amy from the table and dashed into the bathroom arming herself with a shoe and one of dad's tennis rackets.

Father rolled up his newspaper, took me by the shoulder, and we set off to find the vanishing reptile. The first logical place to look, my father thought, was the broom closet. But since snakes had a mortal fear of brooms, the first few minutes of our quest was wasted. Then we looked under the table and chairs but to no avail.
 "Well it's not in the kitchen." Father said.
"It probably went somewhere quiet and dark." Shelby said setting down her book. "Let's check the living room."
 Our twosome became a threesome as we crept into the living room. Shelby was brandishing a wooden spoon. Dad had his newspaper. And I was unarmed (knowing the snake would never harm me because I saved his life).
 Shelby, using her spoon, under a mat. While father and I peered under the couch. After we had thurowly searched the are we found one of dad's cuff links and a few marbles. I sat down on the couch in defeat.
"Don't worry," father said "Well find it sooner or later."
"We better find it before grandma and grandpa get here for dinner." Shelby said.
"Dinner!" Father exclaimed. "I almost forgot! Shelby, go tell your mother the snake isnt in the kitchen so she can finish cooking."
 Shelby hurried out of the room while we pressed on with our search. After we had turned over the living and dinning rooms the door bell rang. As we went to answer it father whispered to me, "Do not, under any circumstances, mention the snake!"

We greeted my grandparents and invited them in. With them came their little dog scruffy. Grandma went to help in the kitchen, father and grandfather talked about work, and scruffy settled himself in mom's favorite chair and began snorting loudly. I decided the kitchen would be more exciting than the living room and made my way there.

 Grandmother was taking over the kitchen (much to my delight) and mother was trying to keep up with the whirling hurricane of spoons, spices, and herbs created by grandma's culinary campaign. Watching Grandma cook is far more entertaining than anything you might find on the food channel. Add my mother to the mix and the ratings shoot higher than a tossed salad.
 They were finishing up a batch rolls (Abot and Costello style) when I saw him slither out from under the freezer. My snake. Who was making his way happily to grandma's shoes.
"Hey, Grandma how you doing?" I said, making my way between her and the snake.
"Well, I'm doing just fine How are you?"
"Just fine how are you?"
"You already asked me that, Sam. And why are you prancing around like s that?"
"oh, I'm, ah, just...dancing."
In truth I was keeping the snake at bay, who for some reason was simply entranced by grandmother's shoes.
Grandmother turned back to the counter. "You kids have the strangest dances these days"
Now was my chance! I turned to grab my snake, but as fate would have it, at that very moment Scruffy entered the kitchen.
 The dog and the snake's eyes met and for about three seconds the universe stood still. Then, with a fuzzy blur of motion, scruffy dashed toward the snake. The snake (knowing it was doomed) made his way toward one of animal kingdom's worst fears. The broom closet. The snake was there first trying to squeeze his way in. Followed by scruffy, who must have had some trouble stopping because he slammed head first in to the closet. Causing the door to snap open and a broom to fall out and smack a bowl of green beans out of mother's hands. The bowl landed upside down with a clang right on top of the snake.
 Scruffy was dizzily making his way toward the bowl only to be scooped up by grandmother. "Are you crazy?"  she asked Scruffy. "What on earth were you after?"
 Grandma had not seen the snake (which was good) but now my snake was in the green beans (which was bad). Mother gave the bowl a wide birth. "Sam, why don't you throw those green beans out. There're no good now."
 Perfect! I scooped up the beans and walked out the door.

 Outside, I said good bye to my friend as I set him down by the creek. And watched him swim happily away. I was sad to see my friend go. But I was happy for his happiness.
 Just then something caught my eye. It was also floating down the river or at least it was trying to. I picked it up by the tail as it tried in vain to bite off my fingers. It was a cute little rat. And I knew at that moment that I had to have him.
Mother would be thrilled.

Did you like Isaac's story? Did it inspire you to write something? Go! Go write something! And when you are finished feel free to send it in! I’m always interested in reading new things :D
Email me at 


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