Sunday, June 3, 2012

365- stuff about Russia and America, and the glue that sticks us together

or by the time these photos upload, it was Friday. 
It was also June 1st!!!!!
So to celebrate, we wandered around K-dar free from school.
This was pretty fun.
I mean every week that language barrier gets a little smaller.

It's so easy to view Russia and America as these two opposite cultures with different mindsets that will never understand each other and never agree on anything. 
It's so easy cause it's true.
Well mostly. 
There are little moments when I realize that we aren't so different after all.
Like when your sister mentions Happy Tree Friends. All your friends go crazy, especially the boys.
Russian and American teenagers aren't so different I guess,
we all watch Happy Tree Friends, throw up, and then laugh about it later.
It's little things like that which create culture. 
Just think, I could become fluent in Russian, but I wouldn't ever be truly fluent. 
I still wouldn't get the humor of Russian tv shows or music.
If you can master humor you can master language
 (^^feel free to quote me on that, it's the only profound thing I have said all day)
Luckily there are little Fuzzy Critters getting their heads cut open to tie all of us together.

151. Luckily we have Happy Tree Friends

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