Thursday, February 2, 2012

365- The Narniac and a Bit More

AHEM. PICTURES, should be at the end of the post, sorry, blogger is being weird, so ignore until you read.

Broberg's house is the one on the left. Date of all these climbing pics, June 2010

From left; me, haillie, Tasha, and Cady all exploring. Sarah is holding camera.

The stone table. We climb up this to get to the top of the building.

Haillie, Rachel, and Tasha all climbing to the roof, which would be an attic, so the third floor.

Don't worry, we play safe....

On the roof, it was such a beautiful view from way up there!

Evidence that SOMEONE is Chucky possessed at the moment. It looks like she could fall off the edge, but don;t worry she couldn't actually fall off there.... I promise. Don't worry mom.

Sarah and Haillie, Sarah's goodbye party, she was moving back to America.

Yes, I cropped myself out, sue me. Sarah I love your faces.

Like a good sister, I didn't let Cady or Aubrie come up....

You climb up that cement block to get to the top.

Walking home after a fun day of almost dying.
Man mom.

Us...looking wonderful. Playing quelf, which is wonderful. 
When I was 10 my sisters and I, and Haillie and the Broberg boys, used to play back there in all of those garages. 

29. The Narniac

30. Larue

This is Haillie Scout LaRue Broberg, cool name huh :) ? A bit of a mouth full though, so we are just gonna call her Haillie. Haillie  moved down from Saint Petersburg Russia in 2007 to live in Krasnodar Russia with her Mom, Dad, 3 brothers, and dog Jack. They had chickens once, oh and rabbits, but I am pretty sure Jack tried to eat both, you know dogs always sticking their noses where they don’t belong… I have a puppy, I know, 3 torn up toys later, I know. Jack totally reminds me of Doug from Pixar’s Up. The whole, ‘you are my master and I love you!’ thing, he is a little attention needy haha. Love that dog. 
Her family works with Royal Rangers, which means they have some pretty awesome stuff lying around, like all that archery stuff, makes my fingers itch with anticipation, LOVE archery. I love to spend my summers wandering around the wide expanse of land surrounding the Broberg house, me and Haillie have spent hours exploring the fields, run down houses, and ‘forests’. 

You will probably hear the name Haillie mentioned in a lot of my story posts, I've done a lot of crazy things with Haillie. From garage jumping (the art in which a person jumps and rolls from one tin garage roof to another, best done in the winter) to climbing to the tops of abandoned buildings so we can watch the sun set (usually there are no stairs, so we have to think up creative means to get to the top). Speaking of the last, warning about Haillie, when on the top of a building, she likes to pretend that she is falling off the edge, it’s a little scary at first, don’t worry she hasn’t  fallen yet :).
Long and very slick in the winter, not good for jumping
The kind you would run and jump to the next, but it is more fun when they are farther apart.
Only once have we been told not to jump from garage to garage, people don't seem to really mind.
One thing you must know about Haillie is that she loves Narnia. She is a total hardcore Narniac. I don’t know anyone else who could tell me the first color of flower Edmund sees when winter is over in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, or the first word uttered in the movie Prince Caspian, by the way the answers are, ‘little yellow flowers- celandines’ and ‘towels’ yup that’s the first word….pretty epic. She knows just about everything there is to know about Narnia. Like any sane person she adores C.S.Lewis. For her birthday one year I got her Boxen, which is a collection of stories about a world Lewis and his brother made up when they were kids, she almost started crying, I am pretty sure that’s a good thing :)
And our last little thing about Haillie, she says she can't draw, or paint, yeah uh, LIE. Check out this poster she did, 
The whole thing is done in pastels. Her teacher wanted to trim off the back leg so that it could fit in the laminator, but she didn't want to lose that leg. Ha I wouldn't either, look at it! She did a pretty awesome job. 


Haillie, Estonian hat scarf.

So that's a little bit about Haillie! And a bit about the things us girls living half way across the world do for fun..... Back to the top if you listened to me and skipped to the story before pictures, like a good reader.
If you did not,
shame shame shame
banned from this blog.
Kidding, kidding, it doesn't make that big of a difference. 


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